

Tubo Schermante Rivestito a doppio strato&tubo schermante per controllo della sabbia pozzi petroliferi

双层衬里筛选管双层衬里筛选管由API标准的基本管组成,,,,双层高精度楔形线滤管管和衬里的滤清器材料。Acciaio al Carbonio spruzzato Plastica o altri Metitali Richiesti dal客户端:  1.High-precision screening gap can effectively control sand and act as a protective medium  2.The use of double-layer lined screening pipe can reduce diameter of drilling hole,,,,节省钻井时间,,,,并降低钻井成本  3使用双层衬里筛选管可以减少操作员的工作量,,,,并提高钻探的成功率  4.Filter material can be [...]