থেকে 1628 St44.4
February24, 2017
থেকে 2458ST37.2
February24, 2017

থেকে 1628ST37.4

থেকে 1628ST37.4 steelটিউব/pipes are predominantly used in the construction of chemical plants, নালি,pipework and for general mechanical engineering purpose.The St37.4 steel tubes of DIN1628 are designed to meet high performance requirements.Normally,there are no limiting values for the maximum permission working pressure of DIN1628ST37.4 welded steel tubes.The permissible working pressure shall not exceed 300°C.
A welded tube conforming to DIN1628with an outside diameter of 114.3mm and a wall thickness of 3.2mm,made from ST37.4 steel(material number1.0255)in the normalized condition(এন)SHALL BE DESIGNATED AS “Tube DIN1628-St37.4 N” or “Tube DIN1628- 1.0255N”.

থেকে 1628 ST37.4

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